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  1. Gartner Confirms AI is the Key and MetTel is a 4X Leader

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is unquestionably the #1 technology topic in the world. In fact, nearly 50% of tech leaders polled by CNBC said AI is now their top expense. Whether large language models of generative AI like Chat GPT or Google Bard, machine learning applications like predictive analytics or intelligent automation tools, AI in all its…

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  2. Lori Thomas on stage at the MetTel 2023 Innovation Summit

    2023 MetTel Innovation Summit – Innovating for Stability with AI, Automation & Multi-Level Cybersecurity

    We recently held our 2023 MetTel Innovation Summit at the JW Mariott Resort in San Antonio. The 9th edition was our biggest and best yet (like everything else in Texas)!  It was great to see so many familiar faces in person as well as a number of first-time attendees and special guests. As always, our…

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  3. Illustration of business people looking forward

    How Crisis and Uncertainty Can Be A Catalyst for Growth

    If there’s one word that could sum up how business leaders are feeling about this year it would have to be “uncertainty.” Business leaders are looking at a landscape with tremendous risk, including inflation, cybersecurity, shifting geopolitical dynamics and the looming threat of recession. But each new challenge also presents an opportunity for growth, with…

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  4. telecom equipment

    MetTel Proud to Help Drive the Communications Industry Agenda with INCOMPAS

    The leading telecommunications industry advocacy group, INCOMPAS recently named its Board of Directors for 2023. I am delighted to be re-appointed to the INCOMPAS Executive Committee of its Board of Directors for another year. Congratulations to my fellow Executive Committee appointees: Michael B. Galvin (chair) of Granite Telecommunications, LLC; Kurt Van Wagenen of FirstLight Fiber; Brian…

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  5. Futurist and author of Technology vs. Humanity Gerd Leonard

    2022 MetTel Innovation Summit – Transforming the Customer (& Conference) Experience

    Where can you get major telecom carriers, enterprise IT providers, cybersecurity experts and even global PR/marcom firms who are direct competitors to sit side by side in complementary, thoughtful discussions about the most impactful trends and technologies? And where will you find some of the world’s largest enterprises in financial services, retail, healthcare and industry…

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  6. Featured blog - Innovation Summit 2020: Preparing for a New World Order - Lori Thomas

    Innovation Summit 2020: Preparing for the Digital New World Order

    Digital Transformation (DX) can be a loaded term; it means different things to different people. Even when you ask organizations that are measuring it what DX means, such as Gartner and IDC, you might get different definitions. However, no matter what our own definition is we can agree that we all share the same digital…

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