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  1. Maximize Business Potential with MetTel’s Unmatched Network Reliability

    As enterprises expand, so does their need for an unwavering network that supports every aspect of their business. From data transactions to customer communications, network reliability is a non-negotiable element of operational strategy. With the cost of network downtime extending beyond short-term disruption to impact productivity, profitability, and brand trust, the stakes have never been…

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  2. emergency plan disaster preparedness

    How to Create a Strong Business Continuity Strategy

    Disasters or unforeseen crises pose a serious threat to business operations and can prevent organizations from meeting the needs of their customers and hitting their revenue targets, while also potentially causing damage to their brands. The best way to avoid being caught off guard and to enhance organizational resilience is to develop a business continuity…

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  3. What is managed network services

    Guide to Managed Network Services: What You Need to Know

    Managing your network infrastructure can be challenging and resource-intensive. A managed network services provider simplifies these challenges by handling various aspects of your business’s network operations, from routine maintenance to advanced security. This enables your company to offload tasks such as network management, operations, upgrades, and troubleshooting to experts, while also ensuring that IT failures…

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  4. zero trust network access on tablet and laptop

    What You Need to Know About ZTNA

    A Zero Trust Approach to Meet Today’s Network Security Demands Enterprises want to establish the highest level of network security while also giving employees the access they need to do their jobs. This is especially true with today’s remote and distributed workforces. In striving for this sweet spot, more organizations have been turning to a…

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  5. finance and cyber security

    The Role of Networking and Communications in Financial Cyber Security

    Some of the biggest and most expensive hacks of all time have targeted financial institutions. Equifax. Capital One. JP Morgan. All of these impacted millions of accounts and cost institutions billions in damages. Financial institutions will always be a target for hackers based on the sensitive nature of their data, making it imperative for these…

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  6. digital transformation strategy

    Embracing the Future: Building Your Digital Transformation Strategy

    Blockbuster is one of the greatest cautionary tales in business history. The downfall of this leading video store chain is a lesson on what happens when a company doesn’t evolve. Why? Because there will always be someone else who will use technology to its full advantage and deliver a better experience. In Blockbuster’s case, Netflix…

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  7. network security

    Fortifying Your Business: The Benefits of Network Security

    Any savvy business leader knows that network and security go hand-in-hand. However, it’s getting harder than ever to shield modern businesses from evolving cyber threats and ever-increasing data breaches. In fact, Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that the damage from hacks and breaches will hit $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. Add to that the fact that networks…

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  8. sdwan technology retail

    Powerful Benefits of Managed SD-WAN for Retail

    The retail industry poses significant challenges, stemming not only from the ever-changing technology landscape but also from formidable competitors like Amazon and macro-level obstacles such as the Covid-19 pandemic. These unpredictable hurdles will endure, emphasizing the imperative for retailers to be adaptable in their approach. For small businesses, we can see these challenges reflected in…

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  9. woman talking on phone in office

    Turning a Copper Retirement Imperative into a Digital Transformation Opportunity

    Extra Space Storage Modernizes Their Network As local exchange carriers are decommissioning service and raising rates for local telephone service, organizations are feeling pressure to move away from copper / POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) voice infrastructure and support.  Extra Space Storage (NYSE: EXR) felt this pressure and turned the retirement of their copper wire…

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  10. business woman holding a phone in front of a computer screen

    A Digital Solution for the Sunsetting of Plain Old Telephone Service

    Something big is happening in the world of IT communications. Over the past few years, quietly and discreetly, the world’s biggest telecom providers have been retiring their physical copper lines to fully digitalize their plain old telephone service (POTS). This digital transformation is better for telecommunications carriers/network providers and businesses alike, as copper networks are…

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  11. cloud illustration

    FIS: Banking on Experience Level Agreements to Measure Success

    When you use your bank’s credit or debit card to buy goods or services, chances are, FIS is processing the payment. As the largest financial institution core processor and biggest payment processor in the world, we manage over half the world’s overall wealth, work with 95 percent of the globe’s leading banks, and process $10…

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  12. pointing at laptop

    Everything as a Service: The Newest Addition to the Service Economy

    We’re familiar with software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and even infrastructure as a service (IaaS). So many “as-a-service” models now exist that some brands are consolidating them all into one offering: everything as a service (or XaaS). Of course, XaaS is far more than just thrusting all the various “as-a-service”…

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  13. connected city network

    FIS: Trailblazing the Fintech Future with SD-WAN

    FIS is the largest financial institution core processor and biggest payment processor in the world. Whenever you swipe your credit card, all that information flows through FIS. We manage over half the world’s overall wealth, work with 95 percent of the globe’s leading banks, and process $10 trillion of transactions annually. That’s twice as much as our…

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  14. smartphone

    3G shutdown paves the way for 5G, but there’s a catch

    Carriers are ushering in the end of perhaps the most widely used technology of the past 20 years, which presents some unforeseen challenges for businesses. At the beginning of each year, technology industry leaders prognosticate about incredible things that new and emerging technologies are on the cusp of accomplishing. The reason for this forward-looking optimism…

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  15. Digital landscape image.

    The 10 IT Trends That Will Change The Way We Do Business

    As we turn the calendar page on 2021, what has been a challenging two years in the midst of the pandemic is finally giving way to hope and promise for the new year. As the pandemic greatly accelerated companies’ digital transformations and their use of innovative technologies, the new normal will see businesses needing to…

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  16. connected city

    3 (Not So Obvious) Considerations When Choosing an SD-WAN Platform

    Straight to the Point is a new blog series by Zachary Grant, MetTel’s Vice President of Solution Architecture. Each article will break down the benefits and functionality of the latest communications technology in an easy-to-understand way that gets past the fluff and gets Straight to the Point. Zachary oversees a fleet of Senior Technology Architects…

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  17. hand touching digital lock

    The Next Big Thing in Network Security?

    It’s no surprise that the security threat landscape is rapidly becoming more sophisticated, as evidenced by the recent attacks involving Colonial Pipeline, Kaseya and SolarWinds. Considering the pace of digital transformation in today’s businesses, a single cyberattack can bring a company’s operations to a standstill. In June, FBI director Christopher Wray commented that the cyber…

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  18. iot solutions for enterprises

    Enterprise Clients Prefer IoT Providers with “Off the Shelf” Solutions

    Among the many factors that are driving more and more organizations to adopt IoT solutions for enterprises, “ease of deployment” might be the most important. Companies and businesses are looking for an easier route to IoT deployment that won’t bog them down with customized requirements and other professional service engagements that will slow them on…

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  19. Medical professional on tablet

    Industry Game-Changer: How QMed Innovations Filled A Supply Chain (Black) Hole with IoT…and You Can Too

    We see our flagship cellular-IoT product, Quest, as a way for orthopedics to digitally transform in a way that reduces waste, enhances patient safety, and ultimately delivers orthopedic distributors, manufacturers, and providers superior bottom-line performance. Vic Nunes, QMed CEO & Founder More than 7 million people require orthopedic surgery annually and the implant market is…

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  20. Digital Transformation

    Five Steps to Digital Transformation Success: Rotech Healthcare’s DX Journey

    Since 2019, Rotech Healthcare, a national leader in providing ventilators, oxygen, sleep apnea treatment, wound care solutions, and home medical equipment, has been undergoing digital transformation (DX) to become completely paperless in order to improve operational efficiencies and service patients more effectively. We defined a roadmap and strategy for our digital transformation and executed that…

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  21. city connected with network

    Gartner’s 2020 Magic Quadrant for Managed Network Services Names MetTel Leader

    Nearly a decade ago, we recognized that a new software defined WAN would be an integral part of all our customers’ digital transformation journey. We worked closely with partners and customers to develop and refine our WAN capabilities, even prior to the now ubiquitous term “SD-WAN.” While many of the bigger players in the industry…

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  22. smart city initiatives

    Answers to Three Common Smart City Questions

    Smart city initiatives are a way for communities to respond to challenges of sustainability and efficiency. With the world’s population expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030 and 60% of this population living in urban areas, cities are facing unprecedented pressures. Smart cities have implemented tech in innovative ways to overcome these challenges. 1. What…

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  23. Featured blog - Innovation Summit 2020: Preparing for a New World Order - Lori Thomas

    Innovation Summit 2020: Preparing for the Digital New World Order

    Digital Transformation (DX) can be a loaded term; it means different things to different people. Even when you ask organizations that are measuring it what DX means, such as Gartner and IDC, you might get different definitions. However, no matter what our own definition is we can agree that we all share the same digital…

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  24. city of phoenix

    MetTel working with City of Phoenix to Achieve Zero Waste by 2050

    Like many cities across the United States, the city of Phoenix is looking for ways to deliver efficient, cost-effective and safe public services. As the fifth largest city in the U.S., Phoenix is challenged with managing and conserving 270 million gallons of tap water and treating 135 million gallons of wastewater daily. Water is the…

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